So we took David to the big carousel at Rivergate Mall for the first time, and he really wsn't sure what to think of it. Once it started moving he did not let go once and was a little apprehensive, but we had a blast!
David has started to fit himself into this box, which is just so cute. Of course, when I go to take pictures, he stands up and I have yet to capture just how sweet it is!
I put David in a cute little outfit he got for Christmas from my Aunt Margot (before he grows out of it!) and we headed off to Nana's for a great breakfast of biscuits and gravy, hashbrown casserole, eggs and sausage. Then David let Mariah and Nana read to him from fun new books we don't have at our house.
So the activity table is not the only thing David is climbing. In fact, he's trying to climb just about everything. This is not the first time I've caught him on top of this garage he got for Christmas, and he just sits on top and plays with the flags. Of course, getting down is another issue ... In fact, he's probably on top of something right now so I'd better get going!
Ever since the train show Bryan has been trying to get David very involved in Thomas, but I think he is more into it right now than David. It's been fun for me.
David and I met up with some fellow journalists and friends to watch the inauguration. Luckily, my friend Sarah, who you all know from taking such great pictures of David, was there to back up the not so great pics I took. So these are all hers. I especially love the ones of David and Jack applauding Obama's speech. God bless America and talented friends!
So you've probably noticed that David is very much a little boy and not so much a baby anymore (although he will always be my baby!). So we got him a chair to hang out in, a new bookcase and an activity table with a chalkboard top. Of course, all he wants to do is climb up on the table ...
David was very busy last weekend while mom was in Chicago. First, him and dad spent the night at Nana's with Mariah, then he went to the train show with dad and Papa. THEN, he started to watch the playoffs with dad before he got too upset and had to lay down. Bryan enjoyed the cake batter until the game got too upsetting.
David was pretty amazed by all of the things Santa left for him this year. So were we. Of course, after all the excitement, things got a little sleepy around here.