Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Old Pro

It has only been a few days, but already David can stand by himself in the crib. He can't pull himself up yet. but that's OK with Hollie. In other news, David has outgrown his basket and he tried his first veggie, sweet potatoes, and HATED it. We'll try again today to be sure it just wasn't the fact he has never had a flavor before.

Fun Aunt Rosie

Rosie came over again to see David. He has lots of fun when she visits.

Learning to Stand

David is getting really good at holding on to his crib and standing up. He really loves the new perspective! You can also see where his hair has rubbed off the back of his head.

Monday, January 28, 2008

A New Friend

David made another friend when Bryan's buddy Bracey stopped by. Everyone loves David!

Off to Nana's

David is getting so much bigger every day. I think he knows when he is going to Nana's and gets pretty excited.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Scrub A Dub

David really likes taking baths now, and he always gets one before he heads out to nana's house.

Just a Cutie

These are just a few pics of David hanging out with his mommy.

David's Piggies

David's latest cute thing is to play with his toes. He'll just lay there and grab onto them.

Sitting Up

David is getting better at sitting up on his own, but he still needs a little help from his Boppy.

Monday, January 21, 2008

David, Publisher

David was at Bryan's office a few days ago when Bill Sabo dropped by for a meeting, who works with Bryan on some custom publications. David had a lot to contribute.

Floor Slide

One of David's videos from Nana says babies like to be slid around on the floor on a sheet, so Aunt Rosie gave it a shot. Turns out, the video was right!

Drooly McDroolsalot

David showed Uncle Dan how wet he could get his bib.

On his level

Aunt Rosie got down on the ground and played with David on his play mat. He loves to stare at that goldfish!

Aunt Rosie and Uncle Daniel

David got to hang out with Aunt Rosie and Uncle Daniel today, which means he had extra amounts of fun.

Ferrari Fashion

David's aunt Kathy and cousin Kelly always send him the cutest stuff to wear. This outfit came in the mail this week, and Hollie thinks orange looks great on him. Thanks Kelly and Kathy!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Tight Squeeze

We just kept adding family members until David couldn't take getting squeezed anymore.

Chew on This

David loves chewing now, and has developed quite a drooling problem.

Someone to Watch Over Me

Spicy always keeps a watchful eye on David. She loves him.

The Many Faces of David

After a super long nap this morning, David was getting ready for a bottle and showed off his big personality. Hollie thinks he is very funny.

Big Boy

David loves sitting up like a big boy, but needs help. So Hollie wedged him into his Boppy pillow and he thought it was great that he could sit up by himself and still look at mommy. He was so excited he kept blowing bubbles!

One on One

Bryan and Hollie both like to spend one on one time with David. And he loves the attention!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Mary Michael's Magic

Bryan and Hollie's friend Mary Michael made a bunch of onesies for David before he was born, and now he fits into them. Here he is wearing one that shows his family pride.