Friday, February 29, 2008

Tummy Time

David is spending more time on his belly in hopes he will crawl soon, although Hollie would not mind if she could just hold him forever. Bryan, however, is itching for him to get running so he can play soccer with him.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

David's First Snow

Sure, it's nothing like our family up north is getting, but this dusting was a big deal here in Nashville! It started melting just an hour later.

Big Boy Stuff

David is starting to figure out that he can hold his own bottle. It's still a little heavy for him though ...

A Little Comfort

David really needed to just be held while he was sick. He is still congested, but feeling better.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

First Flu

It's official ... David has the flu. And since he is so little, all he can get for it is lots of love. Luckily, that is something we can do.

Big Head

David has a big head like his mom and dad, so all of his hats are too small. We were leaving very early in the morning and so we put one of Bryan's hats on him to keep him warm.

Cute Update

David always has a very knowing look on his face. Also, his feet are still very cute!

Almost Fits

Troy came over and we decided to put the jacket he made for David on him to see if it fits yet. By spring we think it will be a perfect fit.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Sitting Up

David loves sitting up and still uses some help. But every day he can manage it on his own for longer and longer periods of time.

Happy Valentine's Day

David and Sugars somehow managed to sneak out and get flowers, a card and chocolates for mommy!

New Trick

David loves to take his paci out of his mouth and try to stick it back in, which is hit or miss. Here he is removing it, and then holding on to it.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Supper Time!

David is ready to eat some pears in his new high chair from Nana. He looks very tiny in it.

The Young Executive

We are able to comb David's hair right after a bath. He looks very business-like.

Snug as a Bug

David got cozy with Rosie on the couch.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Cheek to Cheek

Nana and David snuggled cheek to cheek.

Looking up to Dad

David gets very excited around Bryan and wants to stare at him all he time.

Friday, February 8, 2008

David Rolls Over

David rolls over pretty consistently now, so Hollie documented a roll in progress.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

David's New Books

Aunt Heather sent David a Valentine's Day care package, filled with new books about a baby named David! David loves being read to and he really likes his new books. Thanks Aunt Heather!

Nana comes to visit

Nana just couldn't stay away from David and had to come visit him at home.

Peas Please

David really got into his sweet peas and we have added them to the "Like" list.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Saturday Snooze

David and Bryan were able to catch a few zzz's together on Saturday.

David Takes Visitors

Grandma and Grandpa Deese stopped by with Bonnie and Anthony to see David. David liked seeing everyone. Spicy liked it too.