Friday, July 31, 2009

Not a Box 2

Just so you don't think I was mean for throwing away the coloring box, here is the SECOND box we had in the living room. So combined, the boxes were eating up about 2/3 of our square footage. But in this one, he did a lot of painting with Rosie. And he really prefers brushes to fingers,

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Not a box!

So, many of you know that David has completely redone the walls in our room, and for a while we had this big box top from his new crib (old one was recalled) down for him to color in and on. It was great. And then I got sick of walking around it and threw it away. Mean mommy.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Whee! Muddy fun ...

The Hermitage

When Heather was in town we all went to the Hermitage. Not the most exciting place for a toddler, but he loved the garden.

Over at grandpa's house

David and Bonnie had made me dinner for my birthday (yes, I know it has been a long time since I have really updated), and David was able to ride around on little Bonnie's bike. Wheee ...

Friday, July 24, 2009

Duet with Fluffy

Our little virtuoso.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Final stop ... grandma's

David rarely gets to see my grandma and uncle Fred and uncle Artie in Wisconsin, and we hope to make another trip this year before the snow starts to fall.

Farewell brunch

Before we left to see my grandma in Wisconsin, we had one last meal with the family, including my great aunt Margot and David's great-grandma Valery and my dad.


So, I have a pretty big family, and these pictures show SOME of the cousins who were at the reunion ... not everyone made it into these shots!


So after the traumatic photo, all it took was some cuddling, chocolate cake and running around with cousins to make David feel better.